Wednesday, July 9, 2008

National Aboriginal and Islanders Day of Celebration

It's NAIDOC week, and there are Aboriginal celebrations happening all over the place. It's a good time for Kooris to celebrate their roots, and for non-indigenous people to take an interest and learn about the culture and spirit of the land to which we have come.

Welcome dance, welcoming the elders to the celebration.

The local celebration was held at the Aboriginal church on Moorhead Street, near the golf course. There was a welcome speech, some dancing by the young people and really excellent didgeridoo music, a jumping castle and barbeque lunch, and even a magician, all free. Invitations were put in all the local mailboxes. The weather was good, and everyone seemed to have a good time.

"Shake a leg" dance - a dance for warriors.

Excellent food at the barbeque.

Nina and her dog Elmo. Nina works at the preschool, and has 6 kids of her own.

Intently watching the face painting!

Looking good!

Nothing beats a jumping castle! Even the big kids can't get enough of it.

A good day out amongst friends.

1 comment:

Magdalen Islands said...

I can imagine the fun everyone had during this celebration.